18 February, 2014

Say, 'I love you'

I moved out of home at 18 to study and ever since then I’ve been living on the Gold Coast, a nine-hour drive from my childhood home. My family and I are altogether only a couple of times a year due to distance and the fast pace of life.

Over the New Year, I went on a two-week holiday to the USA with my Mum. We toured San Francisco for eight days and then headed to North California for a Christian conference. It was a last minute adventure but the trip was a great opportunity to get away and spend some time together.

In all honesty our relationship had grown a little distant and even as we left the airport terminal, California bound, I had disagreements and unresolved issues on my mind. 

Over the course of the holiday, I earned a new respect for my mum as an individual and an admiration for the person that she is. Despite the beautiful views and experiences in Cali, the highlight of my trip was spending time with my mum. It was so great to laugh together over a shared experience and to have her braid my hair again like she did when I was young.

The time spent together travelling was so great for our relationship and I strongly encourage you to spend time with your mum or dad whenever you can. The relationship between us and our parents is so precious and should be protected and fought for.

Treasure the relationship with your parents and do what you can to mend it and invest in it. Don’t leave it too long to say you are sorry or confront issues that you’d rather not talk about. Life goes so fast and we dare not leave it another day before there is no opportunity to say what needs to be said. Overcome your pride. 

Say ‘I love you’ to your parents today and honour them for who they are and they do. I love you Mum (and Dad)!

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